Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Funny Sales Stories from the Field

I happen to love funny stories from the sales field. Want a funny story from my past? Great! Sit back, relax and enjoy.

I was sales manager for an electronic security systems company and was training in a new salesperson named John. We received a call from a female prospective client named Lisa who was looking for a home security system. So we set the appointment to meet the next day.

John and I arrive at Lisa's house the next day, which is in a rural area, and she meets us at the main entry door that entered the lower level of the house. She invites us in and we make our way up the stairs to the main level of the home making small talk. Her first impression on us is positive and we make our way to the kitchen table, which is just off the living room. This is when we noticed something just a bit peculiar.

In the middle of Lisa's living room is a queen size bed completely surrounded by chicken wire! A structure that resembles a chicken coop, with two-by-four construction, is around the bed complete with a door to enter and exit this chicken wire room! John looked at me as if to say, "shouldn't we be asking about this?" Now I had been in security systems sales for awhile at this point and had seen some strange thinks, but this was near the top of my list. But, the one thing that I had learned when entering a home was not to be surprised or act like anything was strange or out of place no matter what I saw. So, I quickly shook my head "no" at John and acted as if EVERY house that I walked into had a queen size bed in the living room surrounded by a chicken coop. 

John and I talked with Lisa for awhile to ask her about her security concerns. We asked her why she wanted a security system and her needs were what you would think for a lady who lived by herself in a rural area. She did not want to come home in the dark and find someone in her home and there had been a recent rash of burglaries in her area. Nothing out of the ordinary about her needs or the conversation (up to this point) and no one made mention of the chicken coop with the neatly made bed in the living room.

Just as we were getting ready to provide her with the final proposal for installing a security system, she asked, "So, did you notice that I have my bed in the living room surrounded by chicken wire?" I responded that yes, I did and I didn't offer anything more. The she asked, "Don't you want to know why I have my bed in the living room surrounded by chicken wire?" Trying to remain the professional, I responded that I simply thought it had to do with a personal choice or maybe the way the sun woke her up in the morning if the bed were in the bedroom. She said, "no, that is not it at all. Do you see those power lines out the window?" I looked out the window and saw power lines which were about a mile or more down the road. I told her that yes, I saw them and that we passed those power lines on the way to her house. She said, "Well, the government sends mind controlling signals out at night through the power lines to control our thoughts. That is why I have my bed in the living room surrounded by chicken wire. By putting my bed in here instead of the bedroom, there are more walls between me and the power lines when I sleep and the chicken wire deflects the mind controlling signals sent out so the government can't control my thoughts. You know, you can never be too careful. That is another reason I want a security system. To know if the government has come into my house."

It is not until this point in the conversation that this lady showed herself to be a bit, can I say, "whacky?" John turned a few different shades of red and of course we did all we could not to laugh, which was not an easy task. We simply agreed with her that you can't be too careful and left her with our proposal to install a security system. Then we exited quickly!  We never did make the sale and I told John that I though it would be just fine if we didn't follow up with Lisa. I told him this client might be best left to the competition!

So, why do I tell this story? To make a point! (Which all stories should do.) If I am training anyone who does in-home selling, do you think this story would resonate with them? Do you think it would give me some credibility with them since they participate in selling to people in  their homes? Do you think I might get some of their funniest stories about things they have seen in homes when selling? Do you think it could possibly lead to connection between me and this other person? Of course the answer to all these questions is a resounding yes.

Do you think if you can tell your client a story about working with a peer in their industry and show the positive results you have been able to achieve working together that you will make a connection? Again, your chances are high!

If you want to have the heart of your client, tell a story that will connect you. Go after the heart to get to the head. There is a Native American Proverb that goes;

Tell me a fact and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth
and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it
will live in my heart forever.

Remember, we make decisions emotionally and justify them logically. Become a good story teller and watch your sales increase. Keep in mind that a good salesperson knows how to talk but a great salesperson knows how to tell a good story.

If you want an excellent book on how to construct a good story, read "What Great Salespeople Do - The Science of Selling Through Emotional Connection and the Power of Story" by Michael Bosworth. Mr. Bosworth is a NY Time Best Selling Author with two other great books to his credit, "Solution Selling" and "Customer Centric Selling" but I think his latest book is his best work.

Do you have any funny stories from the sales field that you would like to share? Please feel free to email them to me at with the subject line "funny sales stories."

Good Selling!


  1. What a great story! I've heard some crazy onsite sales stories before, but that takes the cake. You are correct about connecting with potential clients. Connecting with them gains their trust in you. While remaining professional is important, the ability to connect with potential clients is critical. If they trust you and can connect with you, the easier chance you have for the sale.

    Timothy Gray @ Sales Development Expert

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