This weekly blog is mainly about sales, but it is intended to be so much more. It really will be about improving as a person, which in turn will improve your relationships, which in turn can increase a salespersons success. It will be about the beliefs you need to possess in order to drive behavior. The behavior you need to be successful.
What will this blog not be about? It won't be about the same old tired advice most salespeople have heard over the years. It won't be about the latest "closing technique" being touted by other sales advisors. (By the way, if you still believe in "closing a sale," I challenge your belief and think this blog is for you!) This blog won't be about ways to manipulate your customer as some other "sales pros" advise. For example, if you are trained to state a fact as a question just to get your customer to say yes as many times as you can, you are manipulating them. This blog won't be about that type of behavior.
Now, I am not saying that you will agree with everything that is posted on this sales blog. I hope you don't. As the old saying goes, there are many ways to skin a cat, but the real issue that this blog will deal with is the manner in which that cat is sold. It should be done professionally and with the customers best interests in mind.
There is a reason this blog is titled "The Salutary Sales Pro." Let's take a look at the definition of the word salutary;
1. favorable to or promoting health; healthful.
2. promoting or conducive to some beneficial purpose; wholesome.
Can you think of a better way to approach the sales profession? Promoting a healthy approach to your profession, yourself and your customers is the objective of this blog. Promoting a conducive and beneficial purpose for your customers to do business with you in a wholesome manner is another objective of this blog. We will hit on many different subjects that are going to help you improve your service to your customers, which will help you on the road to success.
The sales profession needs a change. The image of someone in sales today is not a positive one. Of that, I think we can agree. The reason? We don't have enough sales professionals in the profession of sales! So, this blog is intended for the sales professional who is really looking to improve themselves for the betterment of their customers. The real key is to focus on your customer.
Does this all sound a bit altruistic? Maybe. Can it be done. Yes! Will it differentiate you in your market? You bet!
See you next week!
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